Advantages of the instalment loan for clients with a turnover of less than €1 million
In respect of a non-purpose
We do not track the purpose of the finance. We provide the loan after the drawing requirements are met, there is no need to submit a request for withdrawal. For loans secured by mortgage - repayment term up to 12 years. For unsecured loans - maturity of up to five years.
Loan detailing the purpose:
The loan can finance your long-term goals - restoration work, building, buying properties and so on. Option to customise the repayment schedule, i.e. to determine the amount and periodicity of the instalments in respect of the financial flows of your business. Demonstration of the purpose of the loan upon drawing. Maturity of up to 12 years.
We can provide loan products even for start-up
entrepreneurs without any previous business history, along with training and
consultations to help with a business plan. More information about the program
for start-up entrepreneurs can be found at