Advantages of loan insurance – Housing loan
- Protection during difficult life situations such as the death, full and permanent disability, sick leave or job loss
- Insurance concluded simply within the loan agreement
- Insurance premium included within the loan instalment
- In case of unexpected events (death or full and permanent disability of the insured) the loan receivable is paid from the insurance
- During the sick leave of job loss, the insurance company pays the full loan instalment
- You get a lower interest rate for a housing loan when using the Smart combination program
- Insurance possibilities:
- basic insurance package: death, full and permanent disability
- widened insurance package: death, full and permanent disability, sick leave
- full insurance package: death, full and permanent disability, sick leave, job loss
Conditions for insurance for a housing loan
- Age: from 18 to 61 years
- Provided housing loan
- Monthly loan(s) instalments, to which the insurance is related, may not exceed the sum of €1,850