Used card free of charge

We will refund your monthly fee

Used card free of charge

We will refund your monthly fee

How does it work?

  • use the credit card to pay for goods and services,
  • we will return to your account the paid monthly fee for the main credit card at the start of the following month,
  • the benefit applies to holders of VISA Classic, VISA Gold, and also Štedrá cards with a credit limit of €2000 or more.
  • We will return you the monthly fee for the credit card Visa Classic or Visa Gold, if during the calendar month you paid in total:
    • €300, for a credit limit up to €1000 (incl.),
    • 30% of the credit limit provided, for a credit limit of €1 001 to €3 333,
    • €1 000, for a credit limit of €3 334 or more.
  • We will return you the monthly fee for the credit card Štedrá card, if during the calendar month you paid in total:
    • 30% of the credit limit provided, for a credit limit of €2000, €2500, or €3000.
  • The total does not include cash withdrawals, cancelled transactions, amounts returned for returns or claims, special transactions (gambling, lottery, betting, or foreign currency purchases at the currency exchange), or funds drawn through Quick Draw or paying off another credit card.