Investment Instalment Loan

Loan to fund long-term projects

  • you will be able to acquire funds to finance your plans necessary for development of your company to expand your business activities
  • longer maturity of the period
  • plan of drawing set following your requirements
  • tailor-made instalment schedule

Investment instalment loan

  • with this loan you can fund your long-term plans – purchase or construction immovable assets, the purchase of amachine, reconstruction amodernization of manufacturing facilities
  • when you are granted this loan, you can buy interests and shares
  • you can be provided with this loan in the following currencies: EUR, USD, CZK, GBP, PLN, HUF, CHF
  • you can draw the loan as needed
  • we follow the purpose of the loan
  • we will adjust a beneficial interest exactly for your company
  • we will make atailor-made instalment schedule for you
  • you can pay instalments on along-term basis – up to 10 years
  • loan information may be acquired also via e-banking

How can Iget a loan?

You will submit the following main documents:

  • loan application with additional information on financial statements – CRP (Credit Request Package)
  • financial statements and tax return for the last two periods
  • financial statements for interim period
  • document proving the existence
  • documents for assurance and others

Conditions to get this loan are especially:

  • revenues above EUR 1 Mio. per year
  • no liabilities after adue date in relation to public and other financial institutions
  • acceptability criteria based on afinancial analysis
  • eventual further conditions of the bank

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