Slovenská sporiteľňa helps people suffering from the war in Ukraine. The largest bank in Slovakia will abolish several fees, place ATMs at the border crossing point and offer accounts free of charge. In addition, it will provide apartments for families escaping the conflict.

"The solutions we offer are aimed at helping both the people of Ukraine coming to Slovakia and the non-profit and humanitarian organizations involved in helping people," says Peter Krutil, CEO of Slovenská sporiteľňa.

Abolition of fees

Slovenská sporiteľňa temporarily abolishes the following fees:

  • fees for cross-border payments to and from Ukraine (effective from 1 March 2022),
  • fees for ATM withdrawals with Ukrainian bank cards (effective in the coming days),
  • fees for maintaining and publishing of transparent accounts, through which money is collected to help people in Ukraine (effective from 1 March 2022).

ATMs at the border and account free of charge

To facilitate access to cash for refugees, Slovenská sporiteľňa will place two ATMs near the Vyšné Nemecké border crossing point. At the same time, it offers Ukrainian citizens an account free of charge for one year, including a  payment card and e-banking. The account can be set up at any branch, a valid proof of identity is required.

Simplification of donations for clients

A new button will be added to the e-banking and application George, through which clients will be able to easily send a financial contribution to the organization Človek v ohrození (People in Need).

Apartments for refugee families

The company Dostupný Domov (Affordable Home), which was established as a joint project of Slovenská sporiteľňa, Foundation of Slovenská sporiteľňa and Slovak Investment Holding, is preparing several dozen of apartments which will provide accommodation for families escaping the conflict.

The Foundation of Slovenská sporiteľňa donates EUR 50,000

At the same time, The Foundation of Slovenská sporiteľňa is donating € 50,000 to help people at risk of war. In addition, The Foundation has set up a transparent account We Stand by Ukraine, which can also be used by employees of Slovenská sporiteľňa and its subsidiaries to lend a helping hand. So far, over € 15,000 have been collected.