Bank identification data
Commercial name
Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s.
Registered seat
Tomášikova 48, 832 37 Bratislava
Legal form of entity
Joint stock company
Company ID: 00 151 653
Tax ID: 2020411536
VAT ID: SK7020000262
Where the entrepreneur was registered with a registration number
Commercial Registry of the City Court of Bratislava III, Section: Sa, Insert No. 601/B
Sum of registered capital and the paid-up extent
- EUR 212,000,000.00
- Paid-up extent 100%
Structure of the shareholders in Slovenská sporiteľňa
Erste Group Bank AG – 100%
Regulating and supervising authority
Národná banka Slovenska
Imricha Karvaša 1
811 07 Bratislava