Electronic statements

We will send you the bank statements in electronic form:

  • we will send you the statements for current or loan accounts
    on a daily, monthly or annual basis
  • sent to all the electronic banking channels
    (Internetbanking George, e-mail)

Electronic statements

We will send you the bank statements in electronic form:

  • we will send you the statements for current or loan accounts on a daily, monthly or annual basis
  • sent to all the electronic banking channels (Internetbanking George, e-mail)

Electronic statement formats by electronic service:

  • Business24 (SEPA XML, MT940),
  • Internetbanking / George (PDF, SEPA XML, MT940),
  • Email (PDF, SEPA XML, MT940),
  • MultiCash (SEPA XML, MT940),
  • SWIFT (MT940).

Electronic statements management:

  • Business24 – submission of a new electronic statement to the Business24 service or by e-mail, summary of statement statements, changes in statement statement by the user who established the statement statement,
  • Internetbanking George – entering a new statement, activation of e-mail notifications and overview of sent statements,
  • MultiCash, SWIFT – contact your advisor to set up or change statements.

The electronic statement in PDF format is identical to the paper statement delivered by post. Contact your advisor at any time to cancel the paper statement.

Electronic statements formats