
Harmony between the bank and your company:

  • automated data exchange between bank and clients
  • adjusting to individual needs
  • lower risk of mistakes


Harmony between the bank and your company:

  • automated data exchange between bank and clients
  • adjusting to individual needs
  • lower risk of mistakes

Advantages of Databanking

  • connecting electronic banking with your accounting and economic system,
  • easier work with large amount of transactions,
  • adjusting electronic banking to your needs,
  • lower risk of mistakes,
  • reduced operating costs,
  • various channels to access your accounts – e.g. when you make invoice payment order through Databanking, you can sign it through Internetbanking,
  • you yourself decide what functions you will use for your business processes.

Conditions for service activation

  • open SPORObusiness account,
  • activated electronic banking services SPORO24.

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